Garden Tune Up
On average, 57% of household water use in Darwin is on lawns and gardens. So if you want to save money and be water efficient, your irrigation is the best place to start.
A Garden Tune Up is a free irrigation efficiency service provided by Living Water Smart’s registered expert irrigators in the Darwin region. It is available to home owners, businesses and government agencies. During the Garden Tune Up an irrigator will reprogram irrigation controllers to provide the garden with the water it needs, when it needs it.
The Garden Tune Up is implemented through a free in-garden consultation by a registered irrigation specialist at your home or business. To date 85% of irrigation controllers have been changed during a Garden Tune Up.
The Irrigators will help you Identify inefficient irrigation schedules, faults or issues.
They will review and optimise your current irrigation schedules.
They will provide garden advice on plants and soils, and smarter ways to use water in your garden.
You will also get up to $50 of immediate, quick and easy repairs such as fixing minor leaks and faulty sprinklers.
Living Water Smart offers a $300 - $500 Garden Tune Up rebate, so you have the same great garden using less water.