TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda Grass

TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is the product of almost 25 years of research and development from one of the world’s leading turf grass breeders, the University of Georgia. TifTuf has been hand selected out of almost 30,000 different Bermuda varieties, showing superior qualities in drought tolerance, shade tolerance, wear tolerance and winter colour whilst at the same time maintaining excellent turf quality. Superior drought tolerance, speedy recovery & toughness,

TifTuf is a grass that has been bred to stand up to drought conditions and save you water.

TifTuf can be established with a fraction of the water that most other varieties require. Part of this is due to its rapidly establishing root system that can see it take root in less than 7 days, which can be up to 75% quicker than other varieties.

Australia’s dry summers and droughts can be brutal on lawns —and even more so on your water use and bill. TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda Grass was developed by the world’s leading turf scientist with this challenge in mind.


  • Can take root in less than 7 days, up to 75% faster than other varieties

  • Needs a fraction of the water other varieties require to get established

  • Drought tolerant - requiring on average 38% less water than other varieties

  • Hand selected from over 30,000 different varieties

  • Can be used in domestic yards, commercial spaces and sporting fields and reduce the overall use of water in these settings.


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