Smart Drop independently certifies water efficient products and services. Helping you save water, money and energy in your home.
Recently Certified Products
Our Expert Panel
Our expert panel independently assesses products and services for Smart Drop Certified. The Panel meets four times a year to consider applications from product manufacturers and service providers across Australia and North America.
Discover Water Efficient Services
We’ve also independently reviewed a selection of services that can help you improve the water efficiency in your business and home. From water audits to commercial cleaning and environmentally responsible car wash services…
Certify Products & Services
Our Smart Drop scheme independently certifies water efficient products and services in Australia and North America. Businesses can gain national recognition and a market advantage whilst helping consumers shop wisely and select from quality, independently certified, water efficient products.
Smart Drop 2024 Excellence Award awarded to:
Our Expert Panel judged multiple entries from our licensees to determine the shortlist and final winner of the first Smart Drop Excellence Award.
“In a world where everyone's claiming to be sustainable, having The Water Conservancy's independent stamp of approval - Smart Drop Certification - is pure gold. It's helped us build trust, back up our claims, and show that Airgarden isn't just dreaming about a more sustainable future – we're growing it!"
Prue Bauer, CEO and Founder, Airgarden